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April Shower Bring May Flowers

April 30, 2024

The phrase “April showers bring May flowers” is a popular saying used often during the month of April. This is typically the time when the last bit of snow turns to all rain as temperatures climb, and increased rain shower activity sparks the beginning of flowers and plants to really start blooming. But since we’re based in Houston and we hardly ever have snow, let’s consider its alternate meaning: A period of discomfort or hardship that can provide the basis for a period of happiness and joy. The phrase is also believed to come from an early poem with a line that goes, “Sweet April showers, do spring May flowers.” 

If you’re in a marketing or PR rut right now, here are a few small suggestions to freshen up any activity you’ve been putting off for a while. Hopefully May is full of opportunity or projects advance and you’ll be glad you did some housekeeping during the slowdown. 

1. Review and edit your email marketing list. Clear out all the bounced emails, or update if contacts have changed positions. This will improve the performance of your campaigns and reduce the amount of mail sent to spam. 

2. Connect with new media and outlets and update media lists. Are you connected to important reporters on LinkedIn or other outlets? If not, make a connection. A lot of media moved publications over the last few years; have you been tracking? If not, now is a great time to note where key reporters in your industry have landed. Additionally, a lot of new digital outlets and podcasts have popped up, so now is a great time to evaluate if they’re worthwhile. 

3. (Re)Consider where your company falls in the industry and adjust your message. What’s really happening in your unique area of business and how does that translate to the industry or end user? Your unique perspective here is far more valuable than a pitch on a new product. Sit back and really think about the trends and where things are headed. 

Literally. Just step away from your desk and think about the challenges or opportunities in your space. It’s a great exercise and can drastically improve pitches. 

For those that speak with the media (or have plans to), media and presentation training are great exercises when things are quiet. Practice those messages so you’re ready when the interview lands. 

4. Connect with colleagues. It’s hard when we’re busy to connect with colleagues or look for opportunities to collaborate or build new relationships. But if you’ve got some time, schedule lunches or events that you’ve been meaning to attend or look for other avenues to engage potential connections. 

5. Ramp up LinkedIn efforts. Did you get virtual burnout during COVID? Everyone did! But now is the time to dive back in both in-person and virtually. Activity matters and now is a great time to outline a thought leadership program that you can deliver direct to your connections. 

While all of these recommendations are simple and straightforward, they each play a small role in helping boost activity for May and beyond. And hopefully, they remove some items that have been lingering on your to-do list.

All the best,