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Don’t Just Show Up – Maximize Your Trade Show Opportunities

September 28, 2022

Happy Spring, y’all! You know what that means? As warmer temps and rain creeps into Houston, it means it’s also trade show season! In-person trade shows are back in a big way after several years of virtual conferences during COVID. It’s wonderful that we can now get together and network with colleagues, potential clients and the media at these essential business events. Don’t just show up because your competition is going and you feel obligated to make an appearance. Networking is back, baby! Make the most of your event time by following these three tips to maximize your trade show potential.

Build Your Credibility – Apply for Industry Awards

Oftentimes, trade publications and show sponsors offer industry awards in a variety of categories. These awards are typically delivered during a special event right on the trade show floor to maximize exposure. Being recognized as the “best of the best” for a product or service will only build your company’s credibility within your industry.

Host a Press Conference

Host a media tour or a live demo at your booth during the event. Some trade shows attract hundreds of thousands of attendees. Not only are these huge numbers, but people who attend trade shows are highly targeted – they truly care about the industry you’re in! Take advantage of this opportunity and make sure your company shines in the spotlight.

Don’t Forget to be Social

Trade shows can be massive, and your message could get lost in the shuffle. The easiest and most efficient way to engage with your audience is through a company’s social media channels. You should consider building a fun campaign around the show to drive traffic to your booth and engage your audience. This could be a hashtag mosaic or fun videos that entice people to not only slow down when they see your booth, but also engage in a conversation that hopefully leads to new leads and possible sales down the road.

Is your company attending OTC or another big show this year? Reach out to Kristen Quinn at kristen@paigepr.com to get the conversation started on how we can help you maximize your opportunities.