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Three Tips to Building and Maintaining a Healthy PR Relationship

February 6, 2024

Valentine’s day is right around the corner and it has us thinking about relationships. Paige and I have both been married to our supportive husbands for over a decade. There’s a loving familiarity with being with a partner for so long, however, there are efforts that still need to be made to keep the connection strong.  

The same holds true in PR. Building and maintaining strong relationships is at the core of what we do as PR professionals, and our relationship with our clients isn’t one that we take lightly. It takes work, on both ends, to maintain a healthy and productive partnership. Here are three tips we’d like to share on how to keep the love alive with your PR agency. 

  1. Be Honest: Whether we’ve worked with a client for years, or we’re pitching for new business, we are always honest upfront about the results we think we can deliver. It’s important to remember that honesty isn’t just about being truthful, it’s also about being transparent. This means being upfront about any challenges we may encounter along the way and working to find solutions together. By building a foundation of honesty and transparency, we create a stronger partnership with our clients that is built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to success. Honesty is truly the best policy and the cornerstone of Paige PR. 
  1. Be Flexible and Willing to Compromise: When laying out a PR strategy, it’s essential to understand that things might change a month or two down the road. Trending media stories come and go, and tactics might need to be altered to keep up with the ever-evolving landscape. Being flexible and willing to compromise is key to success in PR. It’s important to have a plan in place, but also be ready to adjust that plan if necessary. This means being open to new ideas and feedback and understanding that sometimes the best course of action might not be the one you originally envisioned. By staying adaptable and willing to work with others, you can navigate the twists and turns of PR and ultimately achieve your goals. 
  1. There Needs to be a Spark: They were great on paper but there wasn’t that connection. Realistically most people date around before they find their special someone. That spark is hard to find, but it’s easy to see when it’s present. That’s how we feel about our clients. We love it when we can just vibe with a client. We’re on the same wavelength. We’re feeding off each other’s positive energy. We’re on the same page with our goals and vision. It’s like a natural flow that just clicks and makes the whole process enjoyable. 

At the end of the day, we want our clients to find love and happiness in their professional and personal lives. While we don’t fancy ourselves matchmakers, we do know that communication is key. Just like in any relationship, it’s important to listen, be responsive, and show appreciation. We value the trust our clients place in us and work hard to earn it each and every day. 

We’d love to partner with you! Connect with Kristen Quinn at kristen@paigepr.com to discover Paige PR’s expertise in building and maintaining strong PR relationships. Let’s make your PR journey a success story.